Our Massages

Massage de la nuque, cou, omoplates avec les pouces


This is a 100% personalized massage, in short, it’s up to you!

There are so many protocols available on the market, but the massages are too superficial, and you don’t really leave feeling satisfied. Our mission is to make you live your best massage experience in Luxembourg.

As soon as you arrive and with the help of your masseur’s vast knowledge and massage techniques, you will be able to define together, at each session, the massage that will most closely meet your expectations.

Areas to be treated: Whether you come to relax, to relieve a back contracture, whether you love leg massage or hate having your feet touched, your massage will be a perfect fit. At the beginning of each session, regardless of the type of massage you choose, you systematically define the areas you do not want to treat, those you want to promote or the points which we must concentrate on.

Pressure to be adjusted: We do not just go over the muscles, we work them one by one, leaving no area or detail untouched, which allows us to perform a real massage; specific and precise.

Our massage pressures are systematically adjusted:

  • The relaxing massage, not superficial, whose pressure can be lighter on the legs and stronger on the tensed areas of the back
  • The massage to relieve contractures and muscular pains with the help of specific deep techniques and maneuvers in order to immediately and durably soothe the specified areas
  • Massage for athletes and the more experienced among us with, among other things, the controlled use of the elbow.
30 min
EUR 60.00
45 min
EUR 80.00
60 min
EUR 110.00
90 min
EUR 150.00
Massage sportif des jambes et mollets pour la récupération sportive allongé sur la table


The athletic massage is a massage suited to all sports and all levels.

Whether you workout casually or are a pro athlete, this massage is undoubtedly made for you!

After an effort, the body needs to recover. Our muscle relaxation massage allows for effective and long-lasting relief of effort-generated tension and thus helps the body recover more quickly

We focus here mainly on the legs, the whole back and the arms.

When to get this massage?

Ideally, it is wise to favor a massage after a workout session, before or after a competition, but also as soon as you feel the need to relax, and loosen tensed muscles.

Getting a massage after a physical effort has many benefits:

  • allowing for better active recovery
  • restoring flexibility and providing muscular comfort
  • eliminating toxins generated by the effort
  • regaining good shape and vitality
30 min
EUR 55.00
45 min
EUR 75.00
60 min
EUR 100.00
Massage Deep Tissue


The Deep Tissue massage is ideal for all those who like very strong massages.

For some people it is impossible to understand the satisfaction experienced during this massage, for others, on the other hand, the tonic massage allows them a complete relaxation.

People who work long hours in a seated position often find their neck to be stiff and they can no longer settle in a comfortable position. This massage, intense in pressure, can be very relieving especially for this problem.

Of course, it is also possible to do a tonic massage on the whole body.

30 min
EUR 55.00
45 min
EUR 75.00
60 min
EUR 100.00
Massage du dos, omoplates et épaules avec de l'huile, personne couchée sur le ventre


There is no need to restate the fact that back pain is the health burden of the century!

The back/neck/shoulder massage is undoubtedly the most appreciated and requested massage of all. It is one of those moments that we wish would last longer.

Absolutely essential for anyone who has tension, contractures, bad posture at work, headaches, stress or who simply wants to relax.

It is also recommended for pregnant women, athletes and children.

This customized massage is adjusted according to the different areas and parts of the back on which you wish to focus, the environmental context from which you come (desk job, person who travels a lot, daily stress…) and also to the most favorable pressure!
The benefits of back/neck/shoulder massage are numerous.

Among other things, they allow you to :

  • free and optimize the amplitude of your movements
  • soothe and relax your body and mind
  • relieve contractures
  • improve your quality of sleep
  • enjoy the present momentalleviate feelings of dizziness and headaches

When to use it?
As soon as the need arises!
Ideally during rest days, after work or even at any time of the day. After your massage, it is best to avoid being active! Enjoy your state of calm and relaxation.


30 min
EUR 55.00
45 min
EUR 75.00
Femme sur le dos reçoit massage relaxant des épaules et du cou. Pénombre, serviette


The relaxing massage is one of the favored massages of our clients!

The benefits are undoubtedly numerous: resting and balancing the body as well as the mind, relieving tension, calming down for a better quality of sleep, reducing stress or simply enjoying a moment to yourself. All you have to do is choose which benefit you want to focus on.

The relaxing massage is a customized massage. You define with your masseur the intensity of the massage, the zones on which you wish to linger, as well as the parts of the body where you prefer to be massaged: feet, hands, scalp, back…

You can also choose the intensity of the massage; relaxation does not necessarily mean no pressure.

Our masseurs will lead you to let go and enjoy this moment of serenity.

To get the most out of the benefits, we recommend that you schedule it on a day off or after work. However, your body is perfectly willing to benefit from its virtues at any time.

After your massage, it is best to avoid being active! Enjoy your state of calm and relaxation.

60 min
EUR 100.00
90 min
EUR 145.00
Massage close up réflexologie plantaire avec le pouce


The reflexology massage is a foot massage technique that has been practiced since ancient times. It is reputed to have the capacity to act on the whole body. It consists in stimulating, with precise pressure points, the different reflex zones of the feet which represent each organ of the human body.

This method has multiple benefits: it stimulates vitality, reduces the effects of stress, allows energy to circulate, relaxes, and harmonizes the body as a whole.

Who is it for? It is perfect for people who are fond of foot massages, but also to relieve everyday aches and pains, to rebalance the physical as well as the psychological, and to spend a moment of relaxation and appeasement!

Your address for foot reflexology in Luxembourg!

45 min
EUR 75.00
60 min
EUR 100.00
Femme enceinte debout devant une table de massage prête à se faire masser


Our expectant mothers benefit from the special attention and precautions of our masseurs. Comfortable and beneficial, prenatal massage does not present any risk for the pregnant woman and her future baby.

Our pregnancy pillow is specially designed to allow you to lie on your stomach for your greatest pleasure!

In complete safety, we perform a relaxing massage, paying particular attention to the tensions and pains related to pregnancy, mainly in the neck, shoulders and lower back.

We can also soothe the “heavy legs” effect in order to regain a real sense of lightness.

Enjoy a unique and privileged prenatal massage for mom and baby.

30 min
EUR 65.00
45 min
EUR 85.00
60 min
EUR 115.00
Couple homme femme massage DUO à deux couchés sur le dos. Visages détendus, pénombre, serviettes noires Relaxant


De Masseur is delighted to offer you exclusive massages in a double cabin at the Soleuvre center.

Our DUO cabin has been specially designed to accommodate you and the person of your choice. Whether you are partners, close, or friends, share this moment of well-being together.

Our concept remains unchanged, each person chooses their own customized massage, the one that will be the most adapted and that will best meet your expectations.

Whether it is a spontaneous appointment or a shared gift card, you will enjoy a unique and privileged moment.

When you make your appointment, please inform us if you wish to select one of our specific services: pregnant woman massage, hot stone massage or children massage.

30 min
EUR 55.00
45 min
EUR 75.00
60 min
EUR 100.00
price per person
Massage du dos pour les enfants


The well-being, the need to relax, the awakening of the senses, all these sensations are not very stimulated in our children.

Just like adults, children are also exposed to stress, anxiety and tension. Why not give them a regular massage? Massage allows the child to become familiar with this new feeling that is relaxation.

An improvement is quickly noticed in sleep and especially in the quality of life in general. This translates into better concentration at school and more energy (required to live the adventurous life of a child).

Femme sur le ventre massage Pierres Chaudes ou Hot Stone avec des galets noirs sur le dos


The hot stone massage is a relaxing massage, appreciated by people who love heat.

We recommend the hot stone massage to people who are looking for a moment of relaxation, but also to people who feel stiff and tense. Indeed, the heat of the stones increases the blood circulation of the muscles. This will allow us to soothe any muscle contractions.

30 min
EUR 65.00
45 min
EUR 85.00
60 min
EUR 115.00